Set around three main characters, The Red Star tells the tale of an alternate Russia, the URRS, where massive technology and futuristic weapons are wielded by its army, The Red Fleet. Your journey begins as Maya Antares, the sorceress-general for The Red Fleet, searches for her husband, Marcus, who was lost in battle. Each of the game’s three characters offers different game experiences. During cooperative play, player characters can interact with each other and perform special attacks.
Category: Action Xbox Games
America’s Army: Rise of a Soldier is the Xbox version of the tactical first-person shooter developed in conjunction with the US Army. You can create a soldier and advance him or her through an army career from recruit to leader of a Special Forces team. America’s Army: Rise of a Soldier also includes online multiplayer, so you can battle up to 16 players over the Internet.
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection commemorates the 15th anniversary of Capcom’s series of fighting games. The compilation includes Hyper Street Fighter II, which combines previous Street Fighter II features and character variations from previous Street Fighter II editions, and Street Fighter III: Third Strike. Hyper Street Fighter II lets you mix and match characters from the different versions for a variety of matchups. Street Fighter III: Third Strike offers a total of 19 different playable characters, a Grade Judge System, and a Progressive Hit Frame System.
Chicago Enforcer
Take to the streets of Chicago as one of Al Capone’s notorious enforcers. Choose from a variety of authentic gangster weapons and make your opposition an offer they can’t refuse. You’ll need these weapons, along with your character’s special moves, to survive intense action scenarios such as bombing rival breweries or saving Capone himself. In addition to single-player missions, Chicago Enforcer features multiplayer modes that support up to eight players via Xbox Live.
Alien Hominid
We are still working on getting the description for this game, if you know where we can find it, please comments below. At least you can view the image and related video clips of this XBOX game, and know the game exist. Feel free to rate, comments and recommend others. Read more to view further detail …
Classified The Sentinel Crisis
Assume the role a Black Ops soldier recruited by the US military’s experimental Sentinel program. Your only tools are the intelligent Sentinel combat suit and the multifunction OIWC assault rifle, a weapon of unparalleled versatility and power. The military scientist responsible for the Sentinel Technology is missing in the Balkans. You must join forces with the Rebels to expose the enemy and locate your quarry before the Sentinel Technology falls into hostile hands.
Ultimate Spider-Man
Based on the comic book of the same name, Ultimate Spider-Man lets you play as either the hero Spider-Man or his arch-nemesis, Venom. Use the unique combat techniques of either Spider-Man or Venom to battle a host of Spider-Man characters. Artistic contributions by the creators of the series make for an authentic Spider-Man experience.
We are still working on getting the description for this game, if you know where we can find it, please comments below. At least you can view the image and related video clips of this XBOX game, and know the game exist. Feel free to rate, comments and recommend others. Read more to view further detail …